Choosing different patterns for wallpaper is a great way to add style and personality to a room. By combining designs carefully, it is possible to create a balanced and unique space. Pattern wallpapers should work well together without making the room feel too busy or overwhelming.
Start with a main pattern:
A good way to begin is by selecting one pattern as the main focus. This could be a bold floral design, geometric shapes, or a classic damask print. The main pattern will set the overall tone of the room, so it should be something that complements the furniture and decor.
Combine large and small patterns:
Mixing different pattern sizes helps create a well-balanced look. Large-scale designs add a strong visual effect, while smaller patterns provide subtle details. A good approach is to use one large pattern on a feature wall and smaller patterns on the surrounding walls or in accessories like cushions and rugs.
Stick to a similar color palette:
Using patterns in the same color family helps maintain harmony in a room. Soft neutral tones create a calm atmosphere, while bright colors add energy. If the wallpaper has multiple colors, picking up one or two shades and repeating them in other parts of the room ensures a coordinated look.
Balance bold and subtle designs:
Too many bold patterns in one space may feel overwhelming. To avoid this, pairing statement wallpaper with a softer, more delicate design helps create contrast. For example, a striking geometric print on one wall can be balanced with a simple striped or textured pattern on another.
Use texture for depth:
Patterned wallpapers with different textures can add dimension to a room. A combination of smooth, glossy prints and fabric-textured designs makes the space more interesting. This is useful for adding warmth and variety without using too many colors or shapes.
Keep furniture and decor in mind:
Mixing patterned wallpapers works best when they blend well with the furniture and other decor elements. Solid-colored furniture and accessories help balance out bold wallpapers, while patterned fabrics and artwork should complement the overall theme of the room.
By choosing patterns that work well together and keeping a balanced approach, it is easy to design a stylish and inviting space. Thoughtful use of colors, textures, and pattern sizes ensures a room that feels both coordinated and visually appealing.